5 rules for transporting Defender Mini on public transport

Bike Articles - 02.04.2024
5 Regeln für die Mitnahme Ihres Defender Mini in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
    1. Always fold your bike up. This condition is sometimes required and outlined in the rules for using public transportation. Defender Mini can be installed in just three steps.
    2. When taking a bus or tram, always park your bicycle in a designated space in the center or end of the cabin. Do not obstruct their passage through the main part of the transport.
    3. During rush hour, the bicycle entrance is closed. There are numerous restrictions on the transport of large loads during rush hour; the priority of public transportation is people.
    4. Use a carriage designed for cyclists; in Germany, transportation companies provide separate carriages with bicycle parking spaces. It would be prudent to check the availability of such a carriage before purchasing a train ticket.
    5. In the event of theft, you should attach a GPS tag to your bike. You can easily locate your bike by placing it and hiding it with an additional cover.

Check out the section on goods and vehicle transportation on the websites of carrier companies, railway operators, and municipal transport.

In most cases, you can bring your bike, but there are some exceptions.